Tricia Goyer
I’m a history nerd, so if you love history you’ll enjoy these pictures.
All pictures are my property unless otherwise noted.

Houmas House, Louisiana

Visiting the Amish in Etheridge, Tennessee

(Picture compliments of Shannon Wright)

Historic Cemetary, Bedford Co., Tennessee

Cedar Grove Plantation, Natchez, Mississippi

Blue Lake, Andalusia, Alabama

Battle of Franklin (Civil War)

Battle of Franklin / Civil War.

Check out this hand-carved bass!

Fall Creek Falls, TN

Earl Hamner Quote

Earl Hamner’s Home, Schyler, VA

John-Boy’s Car, Walton House, Schyler, VA


Benjamin Franklin at Monticello

Inside Monticello (due to Covid, pictures were allowed)

Monticello, The home of Thomas Jefferson, VA


Monticello before dusk

President James Monroe’s Home, VA

President James Monroe’s Home, VA

The sun setting over the mountains of TN


God’s Country – TN!

President James Monroe’s Home, VA

Walton’s Living Room

Walton’s Kitchen

Walton’s Kitchen

Replica of Walton’s Home, Schyler, VA

Wytheville, VA Log House Restaurant